Lash Maps

Step 1

It's all about the amount of lid space you have.
Measure from the outer corner f your eye to the top of your brow.
Under 1 inch = use 8-12mm in lengths
Over 1 inch = use 10-14mm lengths

Step 2

Now stand in front of a mirror and observe your eye shape. All eyes shapes are beautiful and unique.
Lets to find out what lash would suit you by matching it up with the chart
Almond - shaped like an almond or oval
Round - equally round all the way around
Downturned - outer edge points down, while inner tear duct is pointing up
Upturned - inner tear duct is pointing down while outer is lifted up
Hooded - excess skin covers your lid and not much lid space
Monolid - no crease

Step 3

Now choose a lash style for your eye shape. Try out different ones every time you do a new set.
Note: Monolid we recommend using longer lengths on the inner corners to help open and lift the eye, try starting with 10mm

Step 4

Choose the guide for your individual length and follow along starting from the outer corner working your way in.
Experiment with any of the lash styles
Dolly can also be 10/12/12/12/10 for 8-12mm lengths

If you have a bigger eye shape you may require an extra segment. If you have a smaller eye shape you may require one less. Please adapt based on your requirements.
If you require and extra segment we suggest adding either a 8mm or 10mm on the inner corner so you can balance your eye shape.
Aim to place your segments 1-2mm away from you lash line and not on your water line (skin), this way you won’t feel them.

We recommend leaving 1-2mm of lashes free from beginning and end of your eye to allow for comfortable closure when you sleep.
If you have any further questions please feel free to message our facebook, instagram or tiktok
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